With the aim of providing a globally recognized and ethically driven standard of quality for the protection and movement of healthcare products, Extra Transportes is part of the Pharmafreight Pharma Logistics network of agents.

With agents around the world, we ensure Good Distribution Practices (GDP), and Pharmafreight Pharma Logistics uses its Quality System to maximize customer satisfaction in the areas of pharmaceutical cargo brokerage and to ensure the continuous improvement of its business processes.

Certified and experienced professionals in this sector, as well as competent local partners, ensure the complete reception of these products.

Credible and needs-adjusted solutions 

  • Home deliveries, across the globe, with a quick service (within 24 hours), for essential and urgent therapies and medicines.
    • Possibility of permanent monitoring and supervision of all conditions of the goods.
  • Reference partnerships with leading pharmaceutical companies, in the transport of clinical trials.
  • Global distribution warehouse, located in England, with all the ideal conditions for storage of pharmaceutical products, namely regular temperature monitoring, fire alarm system and direct connection circuits to the police.
  • Transport of medicines, through intermodal means, according to the best conveniences, in all geographic locations.
  • Temperature controlled packaging shipping, including reusable solutions.
  • TOWER units, which allow transport between destinations, maximizing operating costs.
  • European transport road network, with real-time traceability service.

[+] To learn more about this custom solution, please contact us.